Thursday, January 29, 2009

Current Event Articles #1

A long and bumpy road: Foreigners are trying yet again to bring peace to Israel and Palestine (The Economist)

Illinois Senate Votes To Oust Blagojevich (NPR)

Obama slams Wall Street bonuses (BBC)

1) In the comments, you will answer the information outlined here:
a) Who – Who is involved with the issue? (Who is impacted or who is the central figure)
b) Where – Where is it happening?
c) When – The timeline of the issue or event?
d) What – What is going on? (2-3 Sentence Summary)
e) Why – Why is this issue significant?
f) Question – A question you have after reading the article.

2) Make sure to put your name. I wouldn’t know who was commenting otherwise. If you are worried that I will not view your post you can e-mail me as a friendly reminder.


At 8:42 AM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who-Israel and Palestine where- Egypt Gaza border when- It has been going on for three weeks and ended on January 18th what- Israel broke cease fire in November resulting in retaliation by Hamas. Subsequently resulting in Israel bombing back. The International community is trying to aid in solving the conflict. why- Many Palestinians are dying. question- What is being done to stop it?

At 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Long and Bumpy Road

Who-The Israelis and the Palestinians/ On the border of Israel and Palestinian territory.
When-Mid November to January 18th.
What-Israel broke the cease fire, and after the Hamas struck back Israel started dropping bombs. The international community is trying to get the fighting to stop.
Why- Many of the Palestinian people are dieing.
Question-If Israel broke the cease fire, what's to stop them from doing it again? Will another cease fire help or just delay?

At 8:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Good question Derrik, especially since I was reading today that they plan on attacking in another coumple of months.

At 6:31 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Who- The Israelies and the Palestinians as usual.
When- Between January 17th and the 27th.
What- a never ending battle between the two nations this time focusing on on Hamas on the Gaza Strip
Why- why are we paying attention? probably because we have troops over there, othere then that we hardly seem to careabout wars in other countries...
Question-cant we all just get along?(then again the last person to say that got beaten.)

At 10:17 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Illinois Senate Votes To Oust Blagojevich

Who-Rod Blagojevich and Patrick Quinn
When-January 29, 2009
What-Rod Blagojevich was voted out of office by the Illinois state senate after being arrested. Patrick Quinn takes the Governor office.
Why-Rod Blagojevich was arrested on charges of corruption. he is believed to have been selling Barack Obama's open seat in Illinois state senate.
Question-How much does a seat in the senate run for?

At 11:20 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

A Long and Bumpy Road

Who- The Palestinians and the Israelis
Where- The border of Israel and Palestine
When- From the end of november to January 18th
What- Israel opened fire despite the cease fire agreement and the fighting began again
Why- Many Palestinians are dying
Question- Why cant we move the Palestinians and the Israelis to different areas, so they are not that close?

At 1:32 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Article 1: A Long and Bumpy Road

Who: Israelis and Palestinians
What: In this article, Israel brakes away from the cease-fire and Hamas retaliates. This causes somewhat of an uproar in Israel, as well.
When: By January 18th, this had been taking place for three weeks.
Where: Egypt-Gaza border
Why: This is a concern because not only is Israel important to the US, but the people are in a bad state.
Question: When was the cease-fire, that Israel broke, formed?

At 7:34 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Aaron, Dylan & Erica you all ask really questions. It is a conflict that has thousand of centuries behind it. I don't think something like this can be solved in 4 years much less 40 years.

Derrik, how much are you willing to pay for it? I'm just saying.

At 3:39 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

Obama Slams Wall Street Bonuses

Who – President Barack Obama, Wall Street bankers, taxpayers
Where – Wall Street, New York
When – Last year To Present
What – Wall Street bankers have been taking billions of dollars of bonuses while were in a resection. President Barack Obama says enough is enough. These people were asking for governmental financial help and buying a privet company jet.
Why – President Obama will not stand for any ridiculous spending of tax payer’s dollars.
Question – What will the money be used for?

At 8:36 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

First off, congrats DFrench for being the first student to complete their 3 article responses. Second the money will be spent on infrastructure projects (bridges, roads & stuff), securing state jobs (teachers & police), & tax cuts. Everybody knows giving me an extra 40 bucks a month is going to save the economy.

At 10:41 PM , Anonymous Anonymous said...

who- Israel and Palestinian Authorities.
When- the conflict has lasted about 70 years, but this event took place January 18th.
What- Certain measures being taken by international authorities to enforce a lasting ceasefire and get humnaitarian aid to Gaza citizens. This is all a result of a devestating attack from israel on the gaza strip resulting in over 1400 palestinian deaths. Israel continues to enforce heinous attacks and blockades on Gaza while the citzens are suffering.
Why- Over 3 BILLION U.S. taxes dollars go to Israels military ANNUALLY. Israeli is litterally getting away with murder and war crimes while gaza has become the worlds largest concentration camp.
Question- Hamas is constantly labeled as a terrorist organization. My question: Since when is resisting an occupying force for the sake of your posterity terrorism?

At 10:09 AM , Anonymous Kawai Ward said...

Illinois Senate Votes To Oust BlagojevichWho: Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

What: He was removed from office after the senate voted 59-0 to find im guilty of abuse of power at his impeachment trial.

When: January 29, 2009, Thursday

Where: Springfield, Illinois

Why: Blagojevich has been under pressure to resign since he was arrested on Dec. 9 with federal charges of solicitation of bribery and conspiracy, he has repeatedly said that he did nothing wrong.

At 9:41 AM , Anonymous Marcus said...

who:The Israelis and the Palestinians/ On the border of Israel and Palestinian territory.
When: it has been happening for 3 weeks and ended on January 18th
what: Israel broke cease fire in november due to retaliation by Hamas.
why: because a lot of Palestinians are dying
question: Is there any thing being done to stop this ?

At 6:09 PM , Anonymous Micah Loyd said...

Obama slams Wall Street bonuses (BBC)

Who: Obama talking about people from Wallstreet
What: Big bonuses are irresponsible especially when they are asking tax payers to help bail them out.
Why: We are in an economical crisis.
Question: Did those people have to give money back?

At 12:42 AM , Anonymous Nicole Baumann said...

A Long and Bumpy Road

Who- The Palestinians and the Israelis
Where- The border of Israel and Palestine
When- November - January 18th
What- Israel began shooting at them and the fighting began even though they had a previous agreement.
Why- A lot of the people are dying.
Question- Why can't they figure out some way to not fight?

At 12:44 AM , Anonymous Nicole Baumann said...

Illinois Senate Votes To Oust BlagojevichWho: Illinois Governor Rod Blagojevich

Who: Gov. Blagoievich
What: He was removed from office.
When: January 29, 2009
Where: Illinois
Why: He was under immense pressure to resign even though he kept saying that he did nothing wrong. He eventually did.


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