Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Current Event Articles #4

1) In the comments, you will answer the information outlined here:
a) Who – Who is involved with the issue? (Who is impacted or who is the central figure)
b) Where – Where is it happening?
c) When – The timeline of the issue or event?
d) What – What is going on? (2-3 Sentence Summary)
e) Why – Why is this issue significant?

f) Question – A question you have after reading the article.

2) Make sure to put your name. I wouldn’t know who was commenting otherwise. If you are worried that I will not view your post you can e-mail me as a friendly reminder.


At 9:32 AM , Anonymous Dalton Pollard said...

Longtime GOP Sen. Arlen Specter becomes Democrat

Who: Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter
Where: State of Pennsylvania
When: April 28, 2009
What: Sen. Arlen Specter switched from the Republican to the Democratic Party
Why: He found himself increasingly "at odds with the Republican philosophy."
Question: Why would Specter go to the dark side of politics?

At 9:44 AM , Anonymous Kawai Ward said...

Mexico starts China flu airliftWho: The UN's health agency, and the World Health Organization.

What: Confirmed that the Swine Flu is being transmitted between humans

When: The article was posted Tuesday, 28 April, 2009.

Where: New Cases of the Swine Flu virus have been confirmed as far as New Zealand and Israel, The UN warns it cannot be contained.

Why: The UN’s food and agriculture organization is sending a team to Mexico to investigate rumors that people have been getting sick near pig farms.

At 9:45 AM , Anonymous Dalton Pollard said...

More countries confirm swine flu

Who: People around the world
Where: US, Canada, Spain, Britain.
When: April 28, 2009
What: The swine flu virus is growing to other countries and the UN is worried that it can’t be contained.
Why: Swine flu is rapidly spreading to people around the globe.
Question: I knew this would be another Bird Flu or West Nile Virus scare, but why are people still so worried about Pig Flu.

At 8:20 AM , Anonymous Mahedi Rakib said...

Who: WHO, UN, The affected people

Where: Countries like Mexico, USA, UK, Canada, New Zealand, Spain, Israel, Brazil, Israel, Guatemala, Peru, Australia, South Korea.

When: The Flu broke out recently in Mexico and still spreading. This article was written on 28 April 2009.

What: Swine Flu has been confirmed in more countries.

Why: The Flu is being transferred by human contacts.

Question: What other countries are in danger zone?

At 8:46 AM , Anonymous Mahedi Rakib said...

The Irony of Satire

Who: Stephen Colbert

Where: The Colbert Report

When: It was a late night comedey show.

What: There are groups who thinks that in his jokes about politics Colbert was just joking and there are other conservative group saying that Colbert meant what he said.

Why: Data from an experiment indicates to that result.

Question: What does Cobalt has to say about this?

At 9:01 AM , Anonymous Mahedi Rakib said...

Longtime GOP Sen. Arlen Specter becomes Democrat

Who: Veteran Pennsylvania Sen. Arlen Specter

Where: It was reported by Washington(CNN), It's happenning to Pennsylvania.

When: It happenned on Tuesday. The article was written on April 28, 2009.

What: Sen. Arlen Specter changed his perty from Republican to Democratic.

Why: He found himself uneasy with republican philosophy.

Question: How is he sure that he'll be comfortable with the Democratic philosophy?

At 5:54 PM , Anonymous Micah Loyd said...

Colbert Report
Who: Stephen Colbert
Where: Ohio State University
What: Conservatives say that Colbert really means what he says even though it's funny but others just say his report is biased.
Why: It was an experiment to detect bias in tone and text
Question: Does Colbert ever get in trouble for what he says on his show?

At 5:59 PM , Anonymous Micah Loyd said...

Swine Flu

What: The swine flu
Where: Spain, Britain,Canada, and the US
What: Found swine flu evidence in these countries
When: April 28
Why: This flu is spreading
Question: How many people have died from this flu?

At 12:34 AM , Anonymous Nicole Baumann said...

Longtime GOP Sen. Arlen Specter becomes Democrat

Who: Senator Arlen Specter
Where: PA
When: April 28, 2009
What: Specter went from Republican to Democratic.
Why: He was beginning to have different beliefs than those of Republicans.
Question: What did switching sides really change?

At 12:38 AM , Anonymous Nicole Baumann said...

The Irony of Satire

Who: Stephen Colbert
Where: The Colbert Report
When: During one of his shows.
What: Some people think that he was serious while others believe that he was just kidding.
Why: Experiments.
Question: What did Colbert say in response to this?

At 12:46 PM , Anonymous Sierra Freckmann said...

Who: Stephen Colbert and his viewers
Where: America
When: Recently
What: Conservative and Liberal viewers of The Colbert Report share their biased opinions of the show. Conservatives think that Stephen pretends to joke around while liberals think that Stephen is not serious about his character.
Question: Why must we argue about this?

At 12:53 PM , Anonymous Sierra Freckmann said...

More Countries Confirm Swine Flu

Who: Countries and their people around the world

Where: Canada, Spain, United States, and Britain

When: April 28, 2009

What: Swine Flu Virus is reaching other countries fast and the UN warns that it might be able to be contained.

Why: Swine Flu is very contagious and it's spreading fast.

Question: Is this the new Black Plague?

At 12:59 PM , Anonymous Sierra Freckmann said...

Longtime GOP Sen. Arlen Specter becomes Democrat

Who: Senator Arlen Specter

Where: Pennsylvania

When: April 28, 2009

What: Specter switched from the Republican party to the Democrat party.

Why: He seemed to find himself constantly disagreeing with the Republican philosophy.

Question: Why aren't more Republicans following his great example?


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